9 Recent Changes in Cannabis Legislation and Business

The Cannabis Industry has been expanding rapidly over the recent years and is expected to make a massive boom by 2020. With the market becoming more and more saturated every day, new and unimaginable products have come to being. The legislation for the regulation of cannabis products has been struggling to keep up with the rapid demand from society. Producers have been on edge waiting to get their products into the hands of eggar consumers. With news changing daily, we have broken down the top 9 changes in cannabis legislation and business you should be aware of. 

1. Los Angeles Licensing Fees for Cannabis Businesses Creating Outstanding Revenue

"California voters approved the legalization of recreational cannabis  in 2016, effective Jan. 1 of this year. In March 2017, Los Angeles voters approved Measure M, which set up regulatory measures for the cannabis industry, which could generate more than $100 million annually in revenue through licensing fees, sales taxes and other sources for a city with a budget that topped $9 billion last fiscal year. " - L.A. Daily News  

Cat Packer, head of the city’s Department of Cannabis Regulation, also told the Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee that her office has so far taken in far more revenue than was anticipated.

“Originally the department was given a budget of $1.3 million, and to date we have collected over $2.2 million in licensing fees, and we have around about $800,000 in outstanding invoices, so it is likely that our revenue projections through June will be $3.5 million,” Packer said.


2. Overturning of Detroit Medical Cannabis Initiative Could Be Appealed

 The group behind two Detroit voter-approved medical cannabis initiatives is weighing its options—including a possible appeal—after a Wayne County Circuit Court judge last Friday overturned one of the measures that sought to relax local control this year.

But Citizens for Sensible Cannabis Reform spokesman Jonathan Barlow said Monday that no official decision has been made yet.

"Currently, we are examining all options before moving forward with any course of action," Barlow said. "However, we are disappointed in that the city refuses to have dialogue with us in order to help minorities in the industry."

 3. Denmark now Allows the use of Medical Cannabis


As of 1 January, Denmark now allows the use of medical cannabis for patients suffering from various illnesses. The four year-trial was authorised on 18 December by the parliament in Copenhagen, in a move which also licensed some companies to grow and produce the drug in the Scandinavian country. 

By contrast, no country authorises the smoking of cannabis for medical purposes – given the risks that smoking poses to health, especially if combined with tobacco.

In the EU, only Austria, the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Poland and Spain currently authorise marijuana's use as a medicine - while a few other states are planning legislation on the issue.  

4. Spanish Constitutional Court Decides that Cannabis Clubs are Criminal


 "In Spain, the Constitutional Court has decided that Cannabis Social Clubs infringe the law and that their activities cannot be regulated by regional parliaments if the Penal Code is not modified. Fifty years of relative tolerance come to a closure and a new stage, where legal uncertainty and repression will be the keynote, is now open. A new national regulation is the only way to overcome the situation." - Sensi Seeds 

5. California Packaging Guidelines Change

California is just catching up with cannabis packaging and labeling regulations right under MAUCRSA. California has a mandated transition period from January 1 to July 1, 2018, during which time adult use and medical cannabis licensees can do business with each other and temporary and annual state licensees can transport and sell cannabis products already in their possession in the newly regulated market. There are two packaging and labeling standards during this transition period: one for products that licensees bring into the marketplace from before January 1, 2018 and another for products cultivated or made on or after January 1, 2018. New packages must  be childproof and label that the product has not been approved by the FDA. It also must list the amount of THC and CBD per dosage.  Read More on www.cannalawblog.com

6. Three New Cannabis Bills Pass in Oregon 


This year only four new cannabis bills were introduced in Oregon, last year we saw a whopping 30 bills proposed. Three proposed cannabis bills made it through, two of which will impact the Oregon cannabis and hemp industries considerably. These “enrolled” bills have been approved by both legislative houses, and will become law as soon as Governor Brown signs– or within 30 days of passage if she does not. The bill that did not pass involved cannabis themed events. Because these bills passed through two Democrat-controlled chambers, and because Governor Brown is also a Democrat who has never vetoed a cannabis bill, you can be 99.99% sure these bills will soon become law.

7. Industrial Hemp Bill Moves Ahead in California


Currently, California law regulates the cultivation of industrial hemp. They specify certain procedures and requirements on cultivators, not including an established agricultural research institution. Existing law defines “industrial hemp,” via the California Uniform Controlled Substances Act, as a fiber, oilseed crop or both. This is limited to the non-psychoactive types of the plant Cannabis sativa “L” and the seed produced from that plant.

You must also be on a list of approved hemp cultivators.  Industrial hemp may only be grown as a densely planted fiber or oilseed crop or both, in minimum acreages. Growers of industrial hemp and seed breeders must register with the county agricultural commissioner and pay a registration and/or renewal fee.

New legislation has been introduced to allow more farmers to grow and export hemp for industrial cultivation. 

8. Poland Legalizes Medical Cannabis 


New laws in Poland will now allow Pharmacists to treat patients with certain illnesses with medical cannabis. Although they have not introduced any legislation on cultivating and producing cannabis products, they say pharmacists will be able to treat patients with cannabis that is imported.

The new laws will allow cannabis to be used to treat a wide range of ailments.

They include epilepsy, nausea caused by chemotherapy, chronic pain and symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

A monthly course of treatment will cost about £418, the PPC said.

9. German Police Chiefs Call for Cannabis to be Decriminalized 

Pressure is on German politicians as the head of an organisation representing the country’s police called for the consumption of cannabis to be decriminalised.

The European powerhouse has allowed some patients to receive cannabis as a prescription medication since last March, but officials have stressed that doesn’t mean it will be legalised for non-medical purposes.