Marina Salazar - Life in Plastic Religion
Marina Salazar - Life in Plastic Religion
Marina Salazar - Life in Plastic Religion
Marina Salazar - Life in Plastic Religion
Marina Salazar - Life in Plastic Religion
Marina Salazar - Life in Plastic Religion

Marina Salazar - Life in Plastic Religion

Precio habitual €0.00  €400.00  Oferta

McVirgin Mary sculpture by @noquedatinte

Height: 19 cm.

“De corazión” is a project based in the randomness of Els Encants, an antique secondhand market placed in Barcelona. There, Marina Salazar looks for the freakest kitschest pieces to give them a second life, from restoration and transformation of materials.

Her goal is to create original pieces where the new and the old fuse into an explosion of color and controversy. These unique pieces put in the spotlight issues like capitalism, female empowerment, frivolity or religion. Decorative fetiches and souvenirs with their own personality that talk from the threedimensionality of urban culture and put on the table social critique topics and debate.